Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^[cr]Moskva2012$
Year : 2016
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Wollny, PeterPrekrasnye ital'ânskie muzykal'nye vesicy na nemeckoj zemle': O tom, kak socinâli muzyku posle Tridcatiletnej vojny. ['The lovely Italian music on German soil': Music composition after the Thirty Years' War] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [cr]Moskva2012 2016 16-50
2. Gero, Ol’ga VladimirovnaOstinatnye i riturnel'nye formy v Laudate puerri Dominum na primere proizvedenij oz Dûbenovskoj kollekcii. [Ostinato and ritornello forms in the settings of Laudate puerri Dominum: Examples of the works at the Düben collection] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 62-80
3. Mal'ceva, Anastasiâ AleksandrovnaMuzykal'no-èkzegeticeskij podhod v kontekste muzykal'noj ritoriki nemeckogo barokko. [Musical-exegetical approach in the context of the musical rhetoric of the German Baroque] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 92-102
4. Glöckner, Andreas'...Velikij muzykant, a ne škol'nyj ucitel'...': Zametki na temu—Iogann Sebast'ân Bah—kantor, kapel'mejster, muzykal'nyj direktor. ['...The great musician, not a school teacher...': Notes on the Johann Sebastian Bach as cantor, kapellmeister, and music director] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [cr]Moskva2012 2016 111-123
5. Wolff, ChristophKak zvucala 'muzyka prežnego roda'? [How did the music of the older generation sound?] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 136-156
6. Glöckner, AndreasUtracennaâ so vremën okoncaniâ vojny: O sud'be staroj notnoj biblioteki školy Sv. Fomy v Lejpcige. [Lost since World War II: The music library of the Thomasschule zu Leipzig] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [cr]Moskva2012 2016 165-182
7. Dirksen, PieterI.S. Bah i tradiciâ horal'noj partity. [J.S. Bach and the choral partita tradition] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [BWV 766-770] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 192-200
8. Dirksen, PieterKantata Erfreute Zeit im neuer Bunde i rol' skripki v kantatah pervogo lejpcigskogo godovogo cikla I.S. Baha. [The cantata Erfreute Zeit im neuer Bunde and the role of the violin in Bach's first Leipzig Jahrgang] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [BWV 83] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 209-228
9. Âncenko, Olesâ AleksandrovnaSelig ist der Mann BWV 57 I.S. Baha kak duhovnyj dialog vysšego porâdka. [Selig ist der Mann BWV 57 by J.S. Bach as a sacred dialogue of a higher order] [BWV 57] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 245-254
10. Nasonov, Roman AleksandrovicVos'moe slovo Hrista: O duhovnom smysle arii Flösst, mein Heiland s ègo iz Roždestvenskoj oratorii Baha. [The eighth word of Christ: On the sacred meaning of the echo aria Flösst, mein Heiland from J.S. Bach's Weihnachts-Oratorium] [BWV 248] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 264-271
11. Vâzkova, Elena Vasil'evnaK voprosu o tipologii rukopisej i o tvorceskom processe I.S. Baha. [The typology of manuscripts and the creative process of J.S. Bach] [BWV 606, 1080] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 280-292
12. Merkulov, Aleksandr MihajlovicKadenciâ solista v XVIII–nacale XIX veka: Mify i real'nost'. [Soloist cadenza in the 18th and early 19th centuries: Myths and reality] [cr]Moskva2012 2016 302-318
13. Wolff, ChristophMocart i Bah. [Mozart and Bach] trans. Ol’ga Vladimirovna Gero. [cr]Moskva2012 2016 335-350
14. Gero, Ol’ga Vladimirovna; Nasonov, Roman Aleksandrovic (eds.)I.S. Bah i muzykal'naâ praktika nemeckogo barokko / J.S. Bach und die musikalische Praxis des deutschen Barock. Moskva, Russia: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni P.I. Cajkovskogo, 2016. 360p. ISBN: 978-5-89598-323-2; 5-89598-323-5. [cr]Moskva2012 2016 360p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita